Specialties & Experience

John Lacy shoots Architecture
Interiors, Exteriors, Construction, Aerial, Commercial & Residential
Our process of shooting and then perfecting through retouching allows us to make your spaces look their very best.

Our clients include commercial real estate, developers, property owners, architects & engineering firms, general contractors, specialty subcontractors, materials manufacturers, municipalities, magazine publishers, advertising agencies, home owners and private and public businesses.

John Lacy shoots Products
Small, large or enormous- whether in studio, with our portable studio or on-site we light your products, shoot them and retouch them to perfection so they look their very best. We have extensive experience in shooting glass, plastic and metallic products of all types. From medical instruments to coffee cups, from automotive components to manufacturing equipment we’ve built our reputation on making your products look desirable, functional, valuable.

John Lacy shoots Industrial/Corporate
Combining years of experience we are prepared to photograph your facilities, your staff, your products and your processes to make your business look as professional as it is. We will walk you through the steps to achieve your marketing objects and design a shot list that encompasses the parts of your business most relevant to your buyers. Your staff and executives will look like the confident professionals they are. Your equipment, processes and products will look their very best in the images we perfect for your marketing materials, website, and trade show displays.

John Lacy shoots People
Your business relies on the skill and professionalism of your people. Our photographs of your people, whether CEO or line working will reflect your image as well as theirs. People are individuals and have personalities, we bring that out so every person is represented to both stand out as a professional and an expert in their area of responsibility.

John Lacy shoots Food & Beverage
Years of shooting for the hospitality industry including hotels, restaurants and casinos has given us the experience needed to style, light and capture your food products. Shooting plate shots to retail packaging we know how to present your work to be appealing and delicious. We can photograph the back of the house as well as the dining room. We know that service is king and will present your dishes, your staff and your facility to look like the destination it is.

John Lacy shoots Video
Video is growing in importance to your marketing. Online streaming options are quickly bring down the cost of distributing your video marketing elements and becoming an important part of your Search Engine Marketing (SEM) program. We can produce HD & 4K resolution video elements shooting footage or animating your still photography for inclusion in your marketing as video. Our video editing bays are state of the art allowing us to provide you with original footage, stock footage, licensed music, graphics, transition effects and professional voice over options for your production.

Let us know if you would like to add video element production to your next still photography shoot to start building your video library.

Call Us at 800-597-1297